Thursday, April 25, 2024


If presented with a "take the money and run" deal a power addict would very likely refuse to accept.  I wouldn't be surprised if a power addict following the example of such statist trash as Adolf Hitler and Salvador Allende ultimately ends up taking the final exit while cowering in a final redoubt.  As much as each of us may prefer otherwise the Second American Civil War is certain to be a long and bloody fight to the death.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dealing With Messes And Idiots

Sub-Saharan Africa is a mess.  It's inhabited by mystic ridden people.  (This also goes for the Environmentalist Movement.)

Imagine for a moment what the state of Humanity would be if the ancestors of the Europeans, Asians, and the Native Americans couldn't leave Africa until the inhabitants of that miserable continent were organized into a single continental civilization.  Humans in general didn't wait until they were organized as a single continental civilization before going out to explore and settle the rest of the world.

Another point to consider is that people who were happy with life in their homelands didn't seek new lives for themselves and their families here in the New World.  The supposedly “happy” (read brainwashed) inhabitants of a so-called “type one” planetary civilization aren't going to pack up and leave to settle another planet, such as Mars, let alone embark on a multi-generational voyage across interstellar space.

The Universe as a whole is ours if we want it.  We only have to shove the power tripping vermin out of the way.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


If the United States Constitution has to enforced over the literal dead body of David Miscavige, so be it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Stupidity In Action

I once delivered pizza.

I had a large pizza order from a group having a meeting at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul.  The male person that I talked to was unable to tell me which specific building on campus they were in.  I asked him several times and all he would tell me was that he was on the campus.  I pointed out that all buildings on the campus have the name of the building on a sign at the building entrance and that the delivery had to made to a specific building.  I strongly suspect that the individual may have been a Peace Activist.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Another Rant

Those who want to disarm Americans believe they're doing the right thing.  So did the National Socialists.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Rant

I would of course be remiss if I didn't point out that hate is an emotional response to the recognition of the fact that one is in some way in the presence of evil. And in this case I mean willful, deliberate, evil.  I shouldn't be surprised that a willing servant (such as Peace Activists) of Tyrants, Terrorists, and the Enemies of Mankind in General would claim that hatred of Evil is Evil.  This is simply another contradiction given voice by a willfully depraved creature whose only claim to the title of Human is its physical form.  I could say that a Peace Activist is the political equivalent of the depraved bystander who tells a women who is being raped that she should "lay back and enjoy it", but that would be an undeserved compliment.  I could say that killing a Peace Activist is no more an act of murder than putting down a rabid animal, but that would be an insult to rabid animals.  I will say that killing a Peace Activist is an act of defense, of one's self, of one's family, of one's nation, and of Humanity in General.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Unpunished Crime Of William Jefferson Clinton

We identify The Holocaust as the evil act it actually was.  But we're looking at The Holocaust objectively.  From the subjective viewpoint the perpetrators of The Holocaust believed they were the good people doing good things and that their victims were evil.  We, the advocates of Liberty take the objective position and identify The Waco Massacre as the act of state terror that it actually was.  But the common narrative has taken the subjective point of view and identifies the perpetrators of massacre as the good guys.

 What has happened is a clearly unpunished crime.

 Here's two thousand words why I will never vote for The Democratic Party.

There's a right way to with deal someone like Koresh and it wasn't followed.  An Objectivist has to oppose David Koresh and his followers, but was it necessary to kill them?  No.

Today is the anniversary of the event commonly known as the Waco Massacre.

What happened?

The local office of the BATF received a report of automatic weapons fire at the residence of Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas.  No inquiry was made with the local law enforcement agencies.  Nor did they as allowed under the current regulations send agents out to inspect the federally licensed firearms dealer residing on the site.  And they could've arrested Koresh as he made his morning run but didn't do so.   With his past history of cooperation with local law enforcement they could've simply asked him to come down to the local sheriff’s station.  Instead they attempted to stage a military style assault, code named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the current administration in Washington.  Some Federal bureaucrats apparently wanted to feel important.  After the task force was driven off the Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI descended upon the Branch Davidians and laid siege to the residence.

On April 19th the HRT used armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the wind to blow through it and then injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure.  The HRT fired CS rounds, which are incendiary devices into, the building.  A tactic to commit mass murder used by the SS-Einsatzgruppen in Poland and Russia was to confine civilians, especially women and children, in wooden buildings and set the structures on fire.  To this day the perpetrators remain at large or have been allowed to die in peace.
The U.S. Army rifle platoon I trained with in 1982 could have secured the structure without killing any of the children or the elderly adults.  Yes it was possible that some of us actual soldiers could have been wounded or killed in the action.  But that's part of the hazards of the job. 

The Waco Massacre was a demonstration on the part of Big Bubba of the existence of the means to carry out Marxist style state terror and the existence of the will to use it.
There are some who believe that because I don't believe in God or Jesus Christ I shouldn't object to the Waco Massacre.  But from an objective perspective an act of state terror, like the Waco Massacre, remains an act of state terror.

The other anniversary today is of the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.  Timothy McVeigh who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing was a white racial collectivist and was acting out the white racial warrior martyrdom fantasy depicted in The Turner Diaries.

The novel, if I recall reading it correctly, depicts the conquest and subjugation of the white population of the United States by a self appointed elite group that called itself "The Order."  All non-whites, including Jews, were exterminated.  Any white person who refused to obey The Order was executed as a race traitor.  The actions of The Order as depicted in the novel were very much like the practice of Islam without the claim of divine sanction.  Unlike today's political Right, but like all known collectivists, such as the National Socialists of Germany, The Order rejected all of the Rights of Man and killed anyone who served no place in their collective.  Fortunately, I read it on a website where the text was posted. So apart from the fee for Internet access, I didn't have to pay a cent to read it.  I would later describe the experience of reading it as being the intellectual equivalent of the act of swimming in raw sewage.  The website and text is gone now.  I think this is somewhat unfortunate because I believe that no rational person should have to pay a cent for the privilege of reading a book that calls for their own murder.

I reposted on THE NEW RESISTER an article about the Waco Massacre that was originally published on the Libernet Mailing List in 1993.

My Editorial Introduction.

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

Part Four.

Part Five.


We have to understand that a firearm is simply a tool.  A firearm is simply a means to a Human end.  The Human end is freedom, this is the opposition to tyranny.  Tyrants want and need to disarm their victims.  Tyrants need victims.  Victims don’t need tyrants.
Koresh, if he was alive, would clearly be an enemy of an Objectivist.  But someone has to speak for him.  The massacre of the Branch Davidians was a deliberate act of state terror which was carried straight out of the collectivist ruler handbook. The purpose was to demonstrate to all the consequences of disobeying the collectivists who then occupied the White House.  Comrade McVeigh and the current occupant of the White House, Comrade Biden, are firmly seated on the Collectivist side of the aisle.  If we have anything to thank subsequent Republican presidents for it's for doing nothing.  Our so-called president, Joe Biden, wants to appoint a perpetrator of Waco Massacre to head the BATF.
And if you think that attitude and ideology is uniquely Clintonistic I will you disabuse you of that notion:

"Conformity will be the only virtue and any man who refuses to conform will have to pay the penalty."

-- President Woodrow Wilson

Since then the name “Democrat” has become in my mind synonymous with the concept of “murderer.” If there's one complaint I have about President Bush or President Trump it is that they've done nothing to bring the perpetrators of this atrocity to justice.

Nothing. At. All.

We are still waiting for justice.

Here's another six thousand words why I will never vote for The Democratic Party.